Project info

GOLD Knee (Opulent Knee)


We focused on the exceptional outcomes of golden knee replacement surgeries at Urmila Memorial Hospital. In this knee prosthesis, titanium is mixed with niobium resulted in golden hue of the implant. With a team of highly skilled orthopedic specialists and state-of-the-art facilities, we have successfully performed numerous golden knee replacements, offering patients a pain-free and active lifestyle. Our commitment to surgical precision, patient care, and postoperative rehabilitation has resulted in remarkable patient satisfaction and improved mobility. Experience the transformative benefits of golden knee replacement at Urmila Memorial Hospital, where your knee health is our priority.

Case Challenges

Our hospital faces various challenges in providing golden knee replacements. Achieving surgical precision for the precise placement of the golden knee implant requires specialized expertise. Additionally, selecting suitable candidates based on medical history and overall health can be demanding. Limited availability and potential cost implications of golden knee implants pose further obstacles. Educating patients about the procedure and managing their expectations are important aspects. Proper postoperative care and rehabilitation are crucial for optimal recovery. Monitoring long-term outcomes and implementing quality assurance measures contribute to successful golden knee replacements in our hospital.


Before - After Video